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You're viewing Contra 3 The Alien Wars Cheat Codes

Game Name : Contra 3 The Alien Wars
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2006-09-25 15:58:45
Views : 14539

Infinite lives
Note: It will speed up the process if you use a turbo controller. When you get to level 3, fight your way through the stage until you get to the mini boss "The Flying Squito Nest" (the mini boss after you climb the building). Make sure you have the machine gun as your weapon or this won't work. Position your character as far to the left of the screen as you can and have him facing the right. Tape down the Y button and turn on your turbo mode. Set your controller down and come back in a few minutes to get a lot of lives (your lives max out when they get to 29).

Secret Ending
Beat the Game on the Hard Difficulty Setting to view a special ending not seen after beating the other two difficulties.

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